Parting Your Hair According To Your Face Shape
Are you are planning to part your hair according your face shape, do not worry, it is not your fitness routine we are talking about, it is your face shape?
We know that the millennials and Gen Z take it to the social media to discuss side part versus the middle part, we want to keep the peace and say both can look just as good, if you can frame your face correctly.
But how did these hair parts go controversial anyway? For more people, the way you part your hair is an instinctive as your haircare routine. You might have worn the hair part the same way for so many years and you are not probably looking for a change. However, if you have ever chosen something different and it did not work, it may be because you chose a wrong one.
We deal with all the hair care products, and you can buy hair bleach powder online right here; we would like to tell you a few things about parting your hair.
If makeup contouring is not your thing, choosing the right hair part for your face shape can yield a similarly impactful result. The best part, you do not need a bunch of products to make any changes. When you are unsure of what is your face shape, grab some measuring tape and write down your measurements for your forehead width, cheekbone width, jawline width, face length.
When these measurements in with you, you will be able to determine your face style and the hair parting accordingly.
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